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(855) 910-9471


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1. What is the price of a stairlift?

The price of a stairlift is mainly depends on the model that can work best for your staircase. It requires measuring and observing of your staircase to help you determine the exact cost for your type of staircase.

2. Will I need to restructure my wall?


No! The wonderful thing about our partner's stairlift is that they do not get support from the wall. It is mounted directly on the stairs making it safe and easy to install.


3. Will the stairlift block my staircase?


Our partner's stairlift have the ability to fold up to about 11 inches leaving the majority of the space free to navigate up and down.


4. How long does installation takes?


Unless your staircase requires special modification our partners usually install in 1-2 days, with a maximum of 3 days if you have a special stair case.


5. Does insurance, medicare or mediaid help with the cost?


No matter what you've heard, unfortunately when it comes to the purchase of a stairlift they do not provide any help. A Stairlift is an out of pocket expense.


6. How does the stair lift works?


Stair lifts are operated by simple, large, up and down paddle switches on the arms, which are designed to work with minimal pressure. This makes them suitable for people with arthritis or who are visually-impaired. You simply need to gently press the paddle in the direction of travel to start the stair lift.


7. What affordable option do you have?


80% of seniors we help are those with limited income such as social security, disability or part time work. We seat down with you and create a custom plan that will work with your budget. We've been very successful.


8. What happens if there’s no power?


Our partner's stairlift have a back-up support from 2 twelve volt batteries that gives you up to 40 trips after power outage so you would not be stranded in any part of your house.


9. Will the stair lift make my light bills go up?


Our partner's stairlift are very economical because the stair lift only uses power when it is charging.

10. Service and Support?

Our partners have nationwide coverage of installing and servicing your stairlift. You will have a dedicate local employee to service your stairlift plus a 24/7 support hotline for any unexpected problems.